Our Programs

Kids Connections After School Program


TCC’s Kids Connections After School Program’s mission is to provide an opportunity for families to learn and grow together. Families gain experience mastering life and social skills in a fun, learning environment. Children are paired with one-on-one tutors for their individual academic learning needs. Children with an interest in learning to play guitar or piano are paired with music instructors. 

Healthy, fun friendships are found at the After School Program. 

Are you musically talented or enjoy working families and children? Call 651-231-7807 to learn how to get involved today!


Only 51% of low-income youth regularly participate in after school programs, compared to 69% of their higher-income peers-an 18%-point gap! -Ignite Afterschool, 2019

25% of Minnesota’s school age youth are alone and unsupervised after school. -Minnesota After 3 PM Survey, 2014

Kids Connections After School Program

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Services Available

All Are Welcome 🌈 SAFE SPACE

One-on-one tutoring

Academic learning

Social-emotional learning

Guitar and piano lessons

Physical play

Cooking classes